Stop Trump and Project 2025

A Website of Public Citizen, Inc.

What Would Project 2025 Do?

Project 2025 is a policy “to do list” for Trump and MAGA Republican politicians should they assume power after 2024. If enacted, it would:
Give Trump Unprecedented Power

Consolidate power in the Oval Office like other authoritarian dictatorships, gutting constitutional checks and balances.

Ban Abortion Nationwide

Ban abortion nationwide with no exceptions, even for rape, incest, or the life of the mother, and restrict access to reproductive health care like birth control and IVF.

Replace Civil Servants with Trump Loyalists

Authorize the president to fire thousands of non-partisan civil servants and military personnel and replace them with Trump loyalists.

Give Tax Handouts to Big Corporations and the Wealthy

Give big corporations and the wealthy large tax handouts, while making the middle class pay for it by increasing our taxes and raising student loan costs.

Abolish the Department of Education

And other core government agencies like the National Weather Service, which is responsible for preparing for extreme weather events like heat waves, floods, and wildfires.

And This is Only the Start!

We're Organizing to Stop Project 2025

We're using our voices and our votes to say loud and clear that we insist on and defend our rights to:
  • Choose if and when we want a family;
  • Access birth control and healthcare in general;
  • Vote and to choose who runs our government;
  • Choose who we love and to have our families respected, instead of attacked;
  • Have a government that serves all Americans, not just a wealthy few who curry favor with the President or other leaders;

We will resist letting Donald Trump, or other MAGA Republicans, roll back our rights through the bad policy ideas found in Project 2025 or anywhere else. Take action: